Minggu, 04 Maret 2018

Semua tentang Myetherwallet

Cara Membuat Wallet ETH di MyEtherWallet dan Cara Menggunakannya - Ethereum (ETH) merupakan sebuah mata uang digital (cryptocurrency) sama halnya dengan bitcoin. ETH lebih dikenal sebagai alternatif coin atau disebut Altcoin yang mana kemunculannya sebagai alternatif pembayaran digital selain Bitcoin. ETH berada di peringkat kedua setelah bitcoin yang paling banyak diminati oleh para pengguna. Harga ETH pada saat artikel ini diterbitkan $281.28 atau 0.07011270 BTC, tidak menutup kemungkinan harga akan semakin naik. Perlu diketahui harga mata uang digital bisa naik turun kapan saja. Tentu saja hal ini menjadi sesuatu yang perlu dipertimbangkan untuk memiliki coin digital ETH. Untuk menyimpan ETH tentunya Anda harus memiliki dompet/wallet yang bisa digunakan untuk menerima dan mengirim ETH. Nah, untuk membuat ETH Wallet, Anda bisa membuatnya di sebuah platform yang bernama MyEtherwallet. Ini akan menjadi Dompet ETH pribadi Anda yang dapat dikontrol sepenuhnya oleh diri sendiri.

MyEtherwallet merupakan sebuah layanan Ethereum wallet yang berfungsi untuk menerima dan mengirim ethereum coin. MyEtherwallet juga mendukung ERC-20 token yang mana hal ini memungkinkan kita untuk menerima dan mengirim Ethereum token pada situs ini.

Cara Membuat Wallet ETH di MyEtherWallet 

1. Pertama, silahkan kunjungi situs MyEtherwallet dan buat wallet baru


2. Download Keystore File (UTC/JSON) dan simpan baik-baik file tersebut. Keystore File ini nantinya bisa digunakan untuk masuk ke wallet. Jika sudah Klik I Understand. Continue.


3. Kemudian simpan sebuah kode yang bernama Private key baik-baik di tempat yang aman jangan sampai hilang/terhapus dan jangan kasihkan ke orang lain. Karena Private key ini adalah kunci pribadi yang nantinya digunakan untuk masuk ke wallet. 


4. Jika sudah, klik Save Your Address, kemudian Buka dompet Anda untuk melihat alamat ETH Anda dengan beberapa metode, Anda bisa menggunakan Keystore File atau Private Key Untuk Membuka dompet ETH Anda.


Buka dompet dengan upload file Keystore File (UTC/JSON) yang sudah Anda download tadi, kemudian masukan password yang sudah Anda buat tadi, lalu Klik Unlock.


Cara Kedua kita bisa mengaksesnya menggunakan private key yang sudah Anda simpan tadi, lalu Klik Unlock.

5. Wallet ETH berhasil dibuat dan Anda sudah bisa melihat alamat ETH Anda


Catatan: Ingat simpan baik-baik Keystore File (UTC/JSON) dan Private Key-nya jangan sampai hilang/terhapus, jika kehilangan Keystore File (UTC/JSON) atu Private key maka Anda akan kehilangan hak untuk mengakses kembali akun dompet Anda.

Cara Mengirim Ethereum atau Token di Myetherwallet

1. Buka Situs Myetherwallet dan langsung masuk ke Tab Send Ether & Ether Token, kemudian Anda akan disuruh masuk.

2. Masuk menggunakan Keystore File (UTC/JSON) atau Private key Anda


Seperti screenshot diatas ketika Anda ingin mengirim Ethereum atau Token, Anda bisa memilih tab diatas dan kemudian masukan address penerima serta jumlah ETH/ Token yang akan dikirim, berikut detailnya:
  • To Address: digunakan untuk address tujuan transaksi Anda
  • Amount to Send: jumlah koin/token yang akan Anda kirimkan
  • Gas Limit: Biaya transaksi, untuk gas limit sendiri cukup anda diamkan ketika point 1 dan 2 sudah diisi maka biasanya berubah otomatis menjadi 200k Gas
Ketika 3 point tersebut sudah selesai lalu klik Generate Transaction, kemudian konfirmasi transaksi anda, maka selesai sudah transaksi anda sekarang tinggal menunggu konfirmasi dari Blockchain dan koin/token Anda akan masuk ke address tujuan.

Nah demikianlah tutorial mengenai Cara Membuat Wallet ETH di MyEtherWallet dan Cara Menggunakannya, Jika masih bingung atau ada pertanyaan terkait pembuatan wallet ETH tersebut silahkan bisa ditanyakan melalui kolom komentar yang tersedia.


Untuk mengecek wallet anda gunakanlah etherscan disitu akan terlihat isi wallet anda serta token yang ada 

cara lainnya adalah dengan menggunakan applikasi ImToken yang bisa download di googleplay 

Senin, 19 Februari 2018

Serenity Financial - The First Blockchain Secured Forex Marketplace


Millions of traders have the potential to earn on marginal trading with high leverage. Trading in this form allows for high yields, but with corresponding high risks involved. Different assets used for these transactions include currencies, cryptocurrencies, stock, index and commodity CFDs and other instruments. A significant number of traders are not protected from fraud by intermediaries (such as brokers, dealers and even exchanges themselves).

Interestingly, the Foreign Exchange Market which is arguably the largest financial market by volume is the most dubious due to the lack of control and standards. Currently, protecting the trader’s interest in this sphere is difficult.

In summary, traditional regulation of the market is ineffective, outdated, and cannot be relied on to protect investments of retail clients. Nevertheless, blockchain can solve the problem. That is why we created SERENITY.


We have created SERENITY — a blockchain platform that protects the interests of traders and investors. We ensure security of traders' funds by placing them on SERENITY smart contracts. The contract is created and structured to ensure that funds transfer proceed only by the mutual consent of
the trader and the broker. If a conflict occurs, SERENITY can mediate in the transaction.

For the decision to be transparent and legitimate, SERENITY records digital signatures of broker-trader interactions in blockchain. The technology reduces commonly associated financial risks for traders in any part of the world.

What is more? Crypto traders can invest in classic assets while keeping their accounts in nominated cryptocurrency and receiving profit in cryptocurrency.

For Trader
 For Broker

Bitointalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1604573MEW : 0x8D0B64Cc6738033ecD728727d701f2aE269e9128

Minggu, 18 Februari 2018

Equitybase - Real Estate Investments

Equity Fund

Equity Fund's mission will acquire, develop and manage commercial real estate assets through: careful selection, curation, value investment and flawless portfolio management. Equitybase will mainly focus on intermediate assets between $ 5-100 Million USD.

Equity Fund strives to achieve a competitive purchase price, and offers the lease and repositioning of tailor-made assets.
  • Applying diversified portfolios of top-quality commercial properties that generate returns high residual and capital income.
  • Identify opportunities and value-added investment projects to generate temporary fixed income *while a higher rate of return after the renovation is complete.
  • Investment analysis aims to generate higher value by focusing on quality assets in prime locations potentially generating stable and sustainable cash flow.
  • Rebuilding urbanization property into a mixed or commercially viable project generating substantial profits for the participants.
  • We will mainly focus on the development of Value Added and Land Development in the cities targeted.

Our goal is to focus on commercial real estate assets of medium-sized high-quality super-city profiles, will primarily focus on the development of Value Added and Ground-Up Development within the targeted city. Our goal is to increase rent and property value on a reasonable duration basis bags of development types involved Having a high quality property at the top of a unique city will drive higher rises, reduce risk and hedge against inflation.

Our main investment objective is to focus on super cities like New York, Los Angeles and expand to other markets such as Hong Kong and London in the near future. Each market benefits from the following positive trends:
  • Consistent Growth Rate
  • Stabilize Value
  • High Demand
  • Minimum downside risk
  • Ease of capital occurrence

Platform Equity Platform Technology

The Equitybase platform is a standalone P2P network protocol protocol to digitize real estate into a decentralized Network system governed by the Ethereum smart contract that enables application and
implement preset guides for entities to interact in asset tokenisasi. The platform is being designed with the first mobile approach and strong emphasis on UX / UI user experience / interface, allowing easy access and providing the most relevant information to its users.

The equitybase platform software component uses the following technologies:
  • Smart Mobile Smart End Contract Web Javascript
  • Web3.js
  • Electron Java
  • Swift 4
  • Python
  • Natural Angle
  • SQL Solidity
  • Zeppelin
  • Truffles

Equitybase ICO

BASE: EquitybaseERC20 Token
Public ICO BASE Token will start on 02/28/2018 and end on 05/22/2018 with initial discount of 30%, discount rate will be lower with 5% increase every week for the duration of ICO sale. The minimum contribution during public ICO will be at 0.001 ETH. The transfer rate is set at $ 0.28 / Per BASE Token.

Token Distribution

Total BASE token availas will be set at 360,000,000 where 50% will be sold during ICO, the remaining reserve tokens will be held for 1 year and a silent release to stimulate platform growth if required. 20% token will be allocated to the founding team members and their advisers with 12 persons month vesting period 10% of total token quota will be distributed for marketing community programs before and after the ICO process.

Bitcointalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1604573

Sabtu, 17 Februari 2018

KWHCoin Review - Renewable Energy Based On Blockchain

KWHCoin - For now the need for energy can not be separated. This is something that is needed by many people. See just how people hunt energy sources anywhere. Kelelands, forest-forests, highlands, mountains and so on. want to get a source of energy.

With the importance of these energy sources, it is very good to do business in this sector. Companies will be rich by working on this business. Just look at reputable companies that jump in this sector. They get huge profits. If calculated, their company's assets are very much.

Then, what if this energy industry combined with Crypto.Tertain will be more powerful, right? Given how crypto lunge at this time it will be very good for both this business.

KWHCoin is present for that need.With the demand for ever-increasing energy.On the other hand the use of crypto or digital currency is in good period, then this project will be a wetlands for its investors.

Great opportunity for you who want to interfere in this industry and business.If you have the desire and soul to entrepreneurship and open yourself to all opportunities.That is a soft choice.An opportunity that is not good to miss.Segeralah to participate in the revolution about this great industry.

KWHCoin Review

The KWHCoin is a power-based crypto based on renewable energy. The platform is designed to be a new coin-based network starting on December 21, 2017. It will launch its first advanced energy economy and empower the economic edge with grid options as 100% renewable energy in the future and use blockchain. technology to 1.2 billion worldwide without access to electricity.

How does KWHCoin Work?
KWHCoin is a new crypto powered by kilowatts and electric clocks that essentially work as aggregators for energy use based on different distributed data and energy resources to find digital D values ​​in newly distributed energy sources.

The system works with KWHcoin which is the source of tokens for decentralized applications where consumers, consumers and other distributed energy sources can configure and link their energy sources.

KWHCoin is used to represent organic properties and energy generated by one kilowatt per hour. It is based on an equivalent energy output or measurement type as part of what happens on a decentralized platform. But what is the source of renewable energy?

Each of the following generates about 10% of the energy source normally used:

  • Solar
  • Wind power
  • Hydroelectric strength
  • Geothermal energy
  • Biofuel
  • Tidal power

The company's primary mission is to help improve the lives of more than 1.2 billion people on this planet who have no power or access to any energy source. KWHcoin will do this by building a platform that anyone can use to buy and sell renewable energy sources through systems that work on the grid. This once again, the blockchain-based renewable energy platform.

They want to let people who have no energy claim independence with their own energy. Not only that, but they also have the ability to choose what energy provider they use. And also to sell his energies to others on the grid with tokens.

They hope to lower the cost of renewable energy transactions and expand new forces for everyone in a world that does not currently have them.

About KWHCoin
The whole community works on community blockchain, environment and ecosystem. This is supported by cryptocurrency which is assessed based on clean and renewable energy units.

There are actual physical units of KWh energy that utilize various sources, including smart meters. There are also sensor readings and green button data. The measured output is then converted to Token on blockchain to create a token.

Conclusion Ahir KWHCoin
The people who joined in Kwhcoin understood that crypto did not go anywhere. And they want to create their energy solutions on the decentralized network they are developing and then connect it with blockchain technology. They will release and exchange their energy through conversion to KWH Tokens and then to digital wallets on their peer-to-peer based systems.

Bitcointalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1604573

Jumat, 09 Februari 2018

SKYHOPE COIN - Untuk Pembayaran Berikutnya Freelancer

Apa itu Freelancer?

Seorang freelancer adalah wiraswasta yang menawarkan layanan, biasanya ke bisnis dan seringkali beberapa klien sekaligus. Jenis pekerjaan freelancer memang bervariasi. Hampir setiap jenis layanan yang dibutuhkan bisnis bisa disediakan oleh seorang freelancer, termasuk (tapi tidak terbatas pada), pemasaran, seperti pemasaran media sosial, copywriting, dan publisitas, penulisan, seperti artikel dan posting blog, dukungan teknologi, seperti pemrograman web dan desain, karya kreatif seperti desain grafis, dan dukungan finansial, seperti pembukuan.

Mengapa Freelancer?

Menurut Serikat Freelancer, 55 juta orang Amerika - 35% dari angkatan kerja - miliki karir freelance, dengan perkiraan pendapatan gabungan sebesar $ 1 triliun setahun. Freelancing sangat fleksibel, Anda bisa mengatur jam kerja sendiri, bekerja penuh atau paruh waktu di Internet proyek pilihan Anda Sementara klien bisa menawarkan spesifikasi untuk pekerjaan, seorang freelancer bekerja sama dengan kontraktor independen, di mana dia bebas mengendalikan bagaimana pekerjaannya lengkap. Ini adalah perbedaan penting untuk tujuan perpajakan, karena pandangan IRS karyawan dan kontraktor independen secara berbeda.


Skyhope Coin (SHC) adalah platform berbasis ERC-20 token ethereum yang akan menjadi token utilitas yang digunakan untuk pembayaran aman dan cepat freelancer. Dilengkapi dengan Forum Berbasis Web yang memudahkan orang, organisasi dan perusahaan untuk mencari dan menawarkan pekerjaan kepada freelancer di seluruh dunia yang terdaftar di forum kami. Karena inilah tujuan ambisius kita bahwa Skyhope Coin akan menjadi pembayaran masa depan di setiap aspek lepas yang menghubungkan orang-orang yang saling membutuhkan dengan aman dan terjamin.


Filsafat SKYHOPE memegang prinsip kepercayaan agar dapat diandalkan bagi anggotanya untuk meningkatkan pelayanan dan kemudahan dalam memberikan kemudahan dalam mempekerjakan dan mencari pekerjaan dalam berkomunikasi dan mendapatkan hasil maksimal.


SKYHOPE COIN bertujuan untuk menjadi forum yang sangat kompetitif, aman, cepat dengan kredibilitas tingkat dunia, Menciptakan daya saing positif dalam menarik Pengguna, melalui pemberdayaan kemajuan teknologi dan peran aktif untuk menciptakan nilai tambah, efektivitas kerja dan efisiensi biaya, seperti suatu bentuk partisipasi aktif dalam pelaksanaan good governance.


Memberikan kenyamanan dalam negosiasi antara menyewa dan pencari kerja di thread seperti pelelangan dan keamanan dalam transaksi karena sistem escrow.


TOTAL SUPPLY : 60.000.000 SHC
CONTRACT ADDRESS : 0x40ff2d08804f1a74164741a9722c10ae15c2c148

Rabu, 07 Februari 2018

All Public Art ICO - APA

All Public All is a young technology startup that combines art market and space blocks with business models uniquely suited to solve international trade challenges.

All Public Art is the relationship between three areas that have enormous potential. namely art, blockchain and market participants themselves. Three areas require a touch in technology development. because growth growth and field development also requires touch technology that can add value to the market. All art in general must have a market where artists market their work.

Our mission is part of a technology movement called Regtech, which applies technology to traditional testing, compliance and market monitoring capabilities. The current trading arrangements in the art market can be replaced by Blockchain's ability to ensure the validity of a transaction while ensuring that property and identity data are accurate and remain unchanged.

Supporting all of the General Art approaches helps a healthy future for mankind by bringing together consumers and artists, from all aspects of lifestyle, who have the same and unusual hobbies: to get artwork, interesting, honest and efficient for all. All Public Art serves as a liaison between three areas with exceptional capacity: artwork, blockchain generation and those who create, buy or sell artwork. By incorporating each region into a new version of the sale and sale of destructive art, All Public Art ensures that there may be an honest and useful art market for creditors and artists.

Getting art is a privilege that contributes to the quality of life of modern society. Households, businesses, institutions, and public spaces all change when art is introduced into the environment. Over the years the art market is constantly changing and evolving along with the economic and technological climate of blockchain is now an exciting new development that will contribute to its success in the 21st century. The 2017 Global Art Markets Report TEFAF announced that global art sales in 2016 was $ 45 billion, up 1.7 percent on comparable figures for 2015.


All Public Art missions are part of a technology movement called 'regtech' technology adoption of traditional regulatory functions of compliance, auditing, and market supervision. The current trading arrangements in the art market can be replaced by the blockchain's ability to ensure the validity of a transaction while ensuring that art ownership and identity records are accurate and remain unchanged.


The token sales phase lasts from January 23, 2018 to February 18, 2018. The early arrivals receive a token bonus to reward them from the start of joining.

  • Week 1 with a bonus of 20%
  • Week 2 with a bonus of 15%
  • Week 3 with bonus 10%
  • Week 4 with bonus 0%

A maximum of 800 million AllPublicArt tokens are created. - For token sales, we do not sell over 400,000,000 AllPublicArt tokens worth $ 20,000,000 (token sale cap).
If a total of 400,000,000 AllPublicArt tokens are not issued before the token sale end date, the product will spend the amount sold during the token period and burn the rest.
After the token sale, 400 million WHAT token prints are not issued for token sales.

And Of 400 million WHAT tokens printed after token sales:

38% (152,000,000 AllPublicArt tokens) will be allocated to team members and advisers All Art General
2% (8,000,000 tokens of goods sold) will be allocated for sales incentives and employment opportunities
60% (240,000,000 AllPublicArt tokens) will be awarded for platform incentives and partnerships with institutions and organizations in art, phase 2 will be completed 12 months after the end of the term.

Bitcointalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1604573